Check out The South-East Asia Earthquake and Tsunami Blog at
for information about the Indian Ocean disaster, and what you might do to help.
I just heard about a new product from the SearchMeister, Gary Price, called DocuTicker, and focuses on newly released reports and documents, from governments, think tanks, universities, and other organizations.
Rock on Rock on: Not at all what you think!
Have you heard about the Proposed New C & T Calendar? Well, hurry up, or you might miss a "Newton Week."
And while we're on the subject, Anthony Aveni has written a new book: "The Book of the Year - A History of Our Holidays," Aveni explores the myths and customs of New Year's Day as well as the various dates on which the holiday has been celebrated through the millenniums. Some highlights:
* The Celts divided their year in two, the first half for cattle herding, the other for sedentary winter activity. The half-New Year's Days became May 1 and Nov. 1, days that live on as May Day and Halloween (All Souls' Day).
* New Year's Day came on the shortest day of the year for the Inca of Peru (June 21 in the Southern Hemisphere).
* In France, Sept. 22, the autumnal equinox, became New Year's Day following the French Revolution of 1789. That date lasted only 14 years and was abolished by Napoleon.
* In 153 B.C., a Roman emperor established January as the beginning of the year. It was determined by the first sighting of the crescent moon in the west after sunset following the winter solstice. Citizens reveled in the return of the "Unconquered Sun" by eating and drinking to excess.
* Because the Romans had initiated the custom of eating and drinking to excess on this date in January, England and her colonies continued to designate New Year's Day as March 25, refusing to adopt Jan. 1 until 1752.
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