January 30, 2007
Thought for the day: Never be afraid to try something new
Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
A large group of professionals built the Titanic.
Hat Tip: StumbleUpon
September 18, 2000, Albany, GA
A new study shows that snacking on peanuts and peanut butter is an effective way to control hunger without leading to weight gain. Subjects who snacked on peanuts and peanut butter self-adjusted their caloric intake spontaneously and did not add extra calories to their daily diets. These findings are published in this month's International Journal of Obesity(Vol. 24, p.1167-75).
Hat Tip: About.comI like peanut butter,The Marathons (1961)
creamy peanut butter,
chunky peanut butter too.
January 29, 2007
January 29, 2007 -- Deborah Orin-Eilbeck, The Post's longtime Washington, D.C., bureau chief whose passion for politics and unrivaled integrity kept the high and mighty on their toes, died yesterday after a battle with cancer.
"Laura and I were saddened to learn of the death of Deborah Orin-Eilbeck," President Bush said.
"Deb had a distinguished, decades-long career as a journalist, covering every presidential campaign since 1980 and joining the New York Post's Washington bureau in 1988.
"Deb fought a valiant battle against cancer with the same tenacity, devotion and determination that she brought to her work in the White House briefing room through numerous administrations," the president said. "She'll be missed by all of us at the White House who cared deeply for her."
Post editor-in-chief Col Allan said, "Deborah was one of the nation's finest political reporters. She was never part of press group-think that so often rules Washington.
"Common sense ruled her mind, not dogma. I will miss her advice, and The Post's readers will miss her honesty and wisdom."
A native New Yorker, Orin-Eilbeck studied French and English literature and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University. She received a master's degree from Northwestern University, and also did graduate work at the Sorbonne in Paris.
Orin-Eilbeck, 59, joined the New York Post in 1977 after stints at the Chicago Daily Press and the Long Island Press.
After being dispatched to Washington in 1988, she covered four presidencies, interviewing leaders and dignitaries including President Bush, Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell.
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said, "Deborah was a dogged reporter who never failed to ask a tough question. She always had her readers' best interests at heart."
Sen. Charles Schumer said, "She was fair and down the middle, and she would always get her story."
The White House Correspondents Association will award a $2,500-a-year scholarship in her name.
Vince Morris, a former Post reporter who worked under Orin-Eilbeck, said, "She was unlike most of the other bureau chiefs . . . She was a lot more caring.
"In 2003, when I went to Iraq, she would check in daily with my wife and tell her, 'I just got his story. He's doing fine,' to reassure her."
Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani hailed Orin-Eilbeck's "deep knowledge and understanding of how politics work . . . Her readers could rely on that knowledge when they read her stories. She didn't just report politics, she explained them."
In August she married Neville Eilbeck, whom she met on a plane coming back from an assignment.
Orin-Eilbeck is survived by her husband, her father, Aaron Slotkin, and her brother, Mark.
January 28, 2007
MTA stands for Metropolitan Transit Authority, New York City's labyrinthine system of subways, trains and buses.
They have a very interesting home page, with all kinds of interesting pictures and information.
And, of course, help in getting around "the City".
Check out the interactive Transit Maps under NYC Transit
This was too good to pass up
A Historical Curiosity
For your consideration and debate:
US Civil War: first time there is a Republican President - very large, Democratic anti-war movement.
Spanish/American War: Republican President - very large, Democratic anti-war movement.
World War One: Democratic President - no anti-war movement.
World War Two: Democratic President - no anti-war movement.
Korean War: Democratic President - no anti-war movement.
Vietnam War: As soon as a Republican took over the botched war from the Democrats - very large, Democratic anti-war movement.
Last Ten Years of the Cold War: Republican President - very large, Democratic anti-war movement.
Gulf War: Republican President - very large, Democratic anti-war movement.
Kosovo War: Democratic President - no anti-war movement.
War on Terrorism: Republican President - very large, Democratic anti-war movement.
Discuss: What are we to make of this clear pattern of Democrats opposing any war they are not in charge of?
Hat Tip: Blogs for BushUpdate: My comment
Rather than try to establish some hard and fast "rule", it is easier say that there is a trend.
Whenever the United States is involved in a military conflict for any length of time, the American people will hand the war to the Republicans to manage.
When they grow tired of that war, or the Democrats sense that more than the "usual gang of idiots" oppose the war, you can pretty much count on the Democrats to advocate for its end, regardless of the consequences for the affected locals, the participating soldiers, or future American foreign policy.
Is that better?
January 27, 2007
KODAK: Taken On The Road-American Mile Markers
Take an interactive drive across the
Join Matt Frondorf as he drives from the Statue of Liberty to the
If you don?t know this man's work, you should.
Sniper, Mosul, Iraq
Hat Tip: Pajamas Media
January 26, 2007
Arabisc: Hijab-clad Doll Under Fire in Tunisia
This is Fulla, the Hijab-clad Arab Muslim adaptation of the decadent West?s Barbie doll.
Our Barbie wears the Hijab (head scarf) and Islamic attire - a long dress with long sleeves. While she is a blessing to many parents in the Muslim world who are happy to see their children playing with a doll which conforms to social traditions and religious obligations
Fulla is an Arab doll, developed a few years ago as an adaptation from the famous Barbie doll. It is only natural that she appears Arab or more specifically Gulf Arab, wearing the attire people in this part of the world are used to. Its manufacturers made sure that she wears the head scarf and its accompanying cloak without a veil, which covers the face. But Tunisia (and you don't know what Tunisia is), is conducting a clampdown and confiscating the doll and all other items which have Fulla's image (such are stationery and school bags) on the grounds that the clothes she is wearing spread sectarianism. One of the journalists wrote that school bags carry Fulla's pictures and he was worried that young children will be arrested and questioned for carrying the bagsThe rise of Fulla, who is skilfully marketed by her Syrian creators, New Boy Toys, has aroused mixed feelings across the Middle East.
I'll bet!
Hat Tip: Global Voices Online
The Sidney (AU) Morning Herald
G'Day, Mate!
It's Australia Day!
On January 26, 1788, Captain Arthur Phillip guides a fleet of 11 British ships carrying convicts to the colony of New South Wales, effectively founding Australia. After overcoming a period of hardship, the fledgling colony began to celebrate the anniversary of this date with great fanfare.
Australia, once known as New South Wales, was originally planned as a penal colony. In October 1786, the British government appointed Arthur Phillip captain of the HMS Sirius, and commissioned him to establish an agricultural work camp there for British convicts ...
The first years of settlement were nearly disastrous.
Cursed with poor soil, an unfamiliar climate and workers who were ignorant of farming, Phillip had great difficulty keeping the men alive. The colony was on the verge of outright starvation for several years, and the marines sent to keep order were not up to the task. Phillip, who proved to be a tough but fair-minded leader, persevered by appointing convicts to positions of responsibility and oversight.
* * *
Though Phillip returned to England in 1792, the colony became prosperous by the turn of the 19th century. Feeling a new sense of patriotism, the men began to rally around January 26 as their founding day...
Finally, in 1818, January 26 became an official holiday, marking the 30th anniversary of British settlement in Australia. And, as Australia became a sovereign nation, it became the national holiday known as Australia Day ...
But because of the International Date Line, the holiday was actually yesterday ... Or will it be tomorrow?
See Video here
Hat Tip: This Day in History
January 25, 2007
"Linkin'Blog" is a blog about, and full of links.
Its name is a play on the name of the famous toy building set, Lincoln Logs
Lincoln Logs were first produced in 1916 by company founder John Lloyd Wright, son of architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Records show that the J. L. Wright Company of Chicago, Illinois, obtained its patent for the design on August 31, 1920 and had the Lincoln Logs name registered on August 28, 1923. Building logs of similar designs had been produced by several other toy companies since the civil war but John L. Wright's version was very successful from the beginning and has remained so to this day. His design was copied, and some say improved upon, by the Halsam Products Company, also of Chicago, with their American Logs. In 1943, the company was sold to Playskool who makes the building sets today.
HASBRO and it's logo and LINCOLN LOGS are trademarks of Hasbro and are used with permission.
©2006 Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See here for the original Lincoln Logs
You'll find this and more at InfoPlease:
Members of the Supreme Court of the United States
List of Supreme Court Justices: Dates of service, birthdates, and biographies.
Supreme Court Facts: The youngest justice, the oldest justices, and other facts about the supreme court.
Biographies of Supreme Court Justices: From Samuel Alito to Levi Woodbury
Hat Tip: ResourceShelf
Women In Medicine
one of the first women doctors
Changing the Face of Medicine
This exhibition honors the lives and achievements of women in medicine.
Women physicians have excelled in many diverse medical careers. Some have advanced the field of surgery by developing innovative procedures. Some have won the Nobel prize. Others have brought new attention to the health and well-being of children. Many have reemphasized the art of healing and the roles of culture and spirituality in medicine.
Hat Tip: Cool Site of the Day
The official site for M. C. Escher, Dutch graphic artist famous for intriguing tessellations and depictions of fantastic landscapes. "On this website you can find information about the use of M.C. Escher's work, a short biography, news, bibliography, links and some fun stuff like a Virtual Ride through some of his works." Features images of dozens of his works such as "Drawing Hands" and "Ascending and Descending."
Hat Tip: Librarians' Internet Index
Tower of Babel { 1928 woodcut }
People regularly talk about millions of miles, billions of bytes, or trillions of dollars, yet it's still hard to grasp just how much a "billion" really is.
One Trillion Pennies
One trillion, sixteen thousand six hundred and forty Pennies [ One cube measuring 273 x 273 x 273 feet ]
Hat Tip: ResearchBuzz
The Cullinan Diamond
This 3,106 carat diamond is the largest gem diamond ever found. It was discovered in 1905 at the Premier mines in South Africa by Frederick Wells, a mine superintendent. He was walking through the mine at the end of the day, when he happened to glance up. He noticed a large mass in one side of the mine wall. Thinking it was a big piece of glass embedded by a practical joker he examined what turned out to be a huge diamond. Wells received $10,000 for his find. The diamond was named Cullinan, after the mine's owner Sir Thomas Cullinan.
Weight: 3,106 carat (rough)
Cut: Final cut Pear shaped diamond
It was purchased for $800,000 as a present for King Edward VII for his 66th birthday. The stone was sent to the Asscher Brothers in Amsterdam to be cut. They had successfully cut the Excelsior, previously the largest diamond. The huge uncut stone was studied for months. Then on February 10, 1908, Mr. Asscher stuck the steel cleaver's blade to make the first cut. The blade broke while the diamond remained intact.
On the second attempt, it split exactly as planned. It was reported that after the second cut, Mr. Asscher fainted. Further cuts produced three principal parts, and these in tern were cut into 9 major gems, 96 smaller brilliants, and 9.5 carats of unpolished pieces.The Cullinan I was the largest gem produced from the rough stone. It is a pear shaped stone of 530.2 carats and is the world's largest cut diamond.
The Cullinan I is now in the head of the royal scepter in the British crown jewels. The second largest cut diamond, the Cullinan II, is a cushion-shaped stone weighing 317.4 carats, and is set in the British imperial state crown.
One of the best all - around locations for information on the Internet is LibrarySpot.com
Find the best library and reference resources at LibrarySpot.com, including top dictionaries, encyclopedias, newspapers, maps, quotations and much more.
And another:
The IPL was founded by a class at the University of Michigan's School of Information, and Michigan SI students almost exclusively generated its content and managed the Ask a Question reference service. Now, 14 other schools are actively taking part in the development and maintenance of the IPL. And, as of January 1, 2007, the IPL has moved to Drexel University's College of Information Science and Technology.
It's just a name change, but it tells you more about what we do here
I'll go out and find the the most interesting links I can, I'll find images that I think are appropriate and exciting, and most importantly, I'll tell you where I found them!
There is a ton of information out there on the Internet, and the best part is that lots of people make it their business to gather and collect links for you ...
January 24, 2007
From RefDesk.com
The National Library of Medicine's authoritative and current database of health information {MedLine Plus} for consumers and health professionals. Coverage includes conditions and diseases, drug information, dictionaries, physician and healthcare directories, and links to other medical resources.
"... [T]he wireless world of the radio and its galaxy of musical choices has changed from the transmission of mere Morse code in its early decades to today's overwhelming choices afforded by different satellite radio companies. This recent documentary by the American RadioWorks program explores the history of American radio, and how it has been the site of many a cultural battle over the past ten decades. [The site]... include[s] maps that chart the growth of AM and FM stations from 1922 through 2006 and some engaging essays, such as "Radio Fights Jim Crow" and "Sex, Race and Rock & Roll". [KMG]
Ants are amazing fascinating creatures. They could honestly be considered the dominant species on earth. There are 9,500 known species of ants. This makes up only about 1.3% of the 750,000 known insect species. Yet this 1.3% makes up about half the total body mass, or weight, of all insects on earth!
Ants are the undertakers of their world. They carry back to their nests over 90% of the dead bodies of animals in their size range. Underground in their nests they are busy moving more soil than earthworms. Thus they are moving and circulating huge quantities of nutrients that are vital to the health of the entire ecosystem. We humans need the ants a lot more they need us. In fact, the ants might say they don't need us at all. But what do they know?
Their success is impressive. In many ways they do seem super. But it is not super strength. Their real source of strength is in organization, unity of purpose, persistance, and sheer huge numbers.
Individual ants are not super strong. They are about what you would expect for a small animal with a jointed exoskeleton. If you could zap one with the "Honey I Blew Up the Kid" ray gun so that it was as big as a human or galapagos tortoise, it would be in big trouble. Though humans are not a particularly strong animal, as large mammals go, they would be a lot stronger than the poor ant who would probably be unable to even lift its own weight.