April 14, 2004

Ask Jeeves has expanded its Smart Search feature, adding "direct answers" with biographical information about famous people.
Direct answers for famous people appear in a box at the top of a search result page, with a picture, short biography and additional links for more information. Try David Bowie.

Topix.net combines an excellent news search engine with two other hot technologies: local search and personalization.
The Topix database includes full text news stories from over 4,000 sources ... The real power of this nifty news search engine comes from its easy-to-use pre-built pages that aggregate news and other information intomore than 150,000 topic-specific pages.
These specialized pages cover local news and information for every zip code in the United States. There are also news pages dedicated to specific companies, industries, sports teams, actors, and many other subjects.
I love it. I have one page set up for my home town (by ZIP), and one page for my home State.

Web Rookies and experienced searchers can benefit from The Extreme Searcher's Internet Handbook.

CHUD.com recommends 100 Films That Deserve More Love.

Does anybody really know what time it is?

Finally, a chicken that does what it's told.

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