June 08, 2004

From Marylaine Block's Neat New Stuff I Found on the Web This Week

ARTstor is a non-profit initiative, founded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, with a mission to use digital technology to enhance scholarship, teaching and learning in the arts and associated fields.
The ARTstor Digital Library Charter Collection is:
A repository of hundreds of thousands of digital images and related data;
The tools to actively use those images; and
A restricted usage environment that seeks to balance the rights of content providers with the needs and interests of content users.

Check out the Federal Government's Blue Pages Their new and improved site provides an easy and fast way to search our listings by state, city, area code, agency or service, and keyword.

DateDex, "the Calendar Directory of days, dates & events," lists the event calendars of many of the worlds most influential organisations, countries, religions, sports, etc. Arranged by continent, and by categories (Arts & Culture, Religion, Sports, etc.)

If you haven't seen The Day After Tomorrow yet, be sure and check out the site of the NOAA Paleoclimatology Program
Thsy'll provide the paleoclimatic data and information needed to understand the climate of the past, in order to assess the current and potential future climate in the context of natural climate variability.
On the other hand, there's Day After Tomorrow Facts, a chance to learn how global warming could change the planet.
Or, you could just go see the movie

Hiiigh Hooo!
It's off to work we go.
If you're on your way to work, stop off at WorkGate
the ILO Library gateway to Internet resources on the world of work. Browse by topic or search through ILO's own documents and its selected web sites or through Labordoc, a database of print and electronic articles on labor issues from around the world.

From Kingwood College Library, comes the Cultural History of America's 19th and 20th Century. Both give decade by decade hypertext summaries of developments in art and architecture, literature, education, music, science, and more.
While you're there, be sure amd check out their Subject Guide to Databases

Go check out the National Image Library of the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
Their online collection of public domain still photographs is searchable by keyword, title or subject.
And there's lots more at the Copyright - Free Archive
Don't fall for the "Gimp hard sell"; IrfanView is much better

If you're interested in matters technological, keep up to date with the Daily Rotation. You can choose your own headlines, and choose which publications to monitor.

Here are more Images -- this time from the Military
You'll find links for any kind of military image or video you might want: aircraft, ships, weapons, branch insignia, medals, etc.
Check it out

The Digitized New York Times Archive [1851-1995] has been completed.
The search and first paragraph of each article retrieved are free. Create a Proquest account to purchase any articles that interest you (or read the articles for free at your library).
I think it should be free to read, but what are you gonna do?

Neat New Stuff I Found This Week
is Copyright by Marylaine Block, 1999-2004.
[Publishers may license the content at reasonable rates.]

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