July 05, 2004

From Refdesk.com
Subscribe to the Site of the Day

The Online Books Page is a website that facilitates access to over 20,000 books that are freely readable over the Internet. It also aims to encourage the development of such online books, for the benefit and edification of all.

Government Guide, from AOL, provides a searchable, browsable guide to online federal, state and local government services. Input your zip code to determine your state and local government resources including your elected officials
Fits well with FirstGov

MediLexicon has the world's largest online database of pharmaceutical and medical abbreviations - over 110,000 and growing. This database is updated daily to include new acronyms and abbreviations and their meanings, from the fields of medicine, pharmacy, biotechnology, agrochemicals, healthcare and more.

PC Magazine presents its choices for the 'Top 100 Sites You Didn't Know You Couldn't Live Without' in 12 categories. As of April 2004
Check it out
I guarantee there will be some sites you've never heard of

Medical and health information for a healthier life from the world renowned Mayo Clinic

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